Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tim "Turbo Tax" Geithner Is On The Job

Today the Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, said the administration will unveil a series of rules and measure to limit the ability of international companies to avoid U.S. taxes.

"Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday that Obama will propose legislation to limit U.S. companies' ability to shelter foreign earnings from taxation in the U.S. He also said the administration will try to limit wealthy Americans' ability to use tax havens to avoid taxation."

This is very ironic considering Geithner did not pay his taxes. This is like the fox guarding the hen house.

We as Americans need to wake up and realize liberals do not create laws and regulations for all Americans, they make them for everyone but themselves. Obama continues to appoint people with "tax problems" to his cabinet all the while talking about raising taxes and warning all those tax evading companies to watch their backs. We are sending the "Tax Man" after you! Give us a break.

This administration is a joke. The laughing stock of our political history. Crooks and criminals telling us how to live our lives. If we continue to elect people like Obama and allow him to appoint scumbags like Geithner we are destine for failure. We can not have a "ruling class" operating by one set of rules and a working class instructed to operated by a different set. This country was founded on The Constitution which affords the same rights and responsibilities to all persons of the U.S.

Obama and Geithner "The Shameful Bothers"

Go Here for the original story on Foxnews.com

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