Friday, March 27, 2009

RINO's in Delaware

Folks if we ever hope to advance our agenda we have to get people like these clowns out of office. They give Republicans and Conservatives a bad name. The unfortunate part is uneducated people associate all Republicans with Conservatives. There is nothing further from the truth. The clowns listed below are at best big "R" Republicans, I would tend to call them slimy liberals. I am tired of sharing my party with scum bags like this. We need to boot these clowns and elect some good little "r" Republicans that follow the Constitution.

Below is an email from my a friend and fellow Conservative.


I just wanted to report on the following items:

Thanks to RINO's Kovach, Hudson, Manolakos, Ramone, Miro, and Oberle, H.B. 5 (Act that will add the term "sexual orientation" as a protected class in Delaware code. This Act will forbid discrimination against a person on the basis of sexual orientation in housing, employment, public works contracting, public accommodations, and insurance. In addition, this Act will establish that the Superior Court, in the first instance, would hear and adjudicate alleged criminal violations under the Act of equal accommodations, fair housing and employment discrimination) passed in the house today with a total of 26 YES votes, 14 NO votes, and 1 being ABSENT.

Thanks to RINOs Liane Sorenson (our Senate Minority Whip), Catherine Cloutier, and Dorinda Conner, S.B. 27 (First leg of a Constitutional Amendment to establish marriage between one man and one woman as the only legally recognized union in the State of Delaware) was defeated in the Senate today with a total of 9 YES votes, 11 NO votes, and 1 not voting.

We need more grassroots volunteers to make sure these people do NOT get elected to represent us in 2010.

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