Thursday, March 5, 2009

John Edwards "Love Child"

On Feb 27th Frances Quinn Hunter celebrated her first birthday. Now you ask yourself why is the story title John Edwards but I am talking about a child with the last name of Hunter? During the campaign, John Edwards and Rielle Hunter were having an affair. Now this would not be such a big deal if Edwards were not married. Mrs. Edwards was suffering from a sever form of cancer during the affair.

Edwards has acknowledged the affair but denies the child is his. This is typical for a liberal. I am actually surprised Hunter did not have an abortion. She would have been hailed by the left as the most selfless woman on the planet. She would have been a hero on the left.

You will not hear of this story tonight on the news. Katy Couric will not do a 20 minutes special on how evil Edwards is for denying this child. As a matter of fact Hunter has refused to do an interview or even speak to the press. If Edwards were a Republican this story would have been front page news for the next 10 years.

This just goes to speak of the hypocrisy displayed in the main stream media on a daily basis.

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