Sunday, March 15, 2009

Iditarod Update 3-15-2009

Today finds Mackey still in 1st place. He recently checked into Unalakleet (YOU-na-la-kleet). Lance and team are typically averaging right around 8 MPH. An impressive speed considering he and his supplies are being pulled by a team of dogs that have not had a consistent amount of sleep since the start of the race. That said Mackey is a master at training his dogs and he takes great care of them.

There are still 7 checkpoints to go including Nome. I am hopeful Mackey and team will have the stamina to withstand the onslaught of attacks from the likes of Sebastian Schnuelle, Jeff King, Mitch Seavey, and Hugh Neff. They are a pretty good distance behind Mackey but small mistakes can cost him a lot of time. As I reported yesterday Mackey fell asleep and missed the turn. It cost him between an hour and an hour and a half. He cant afford mistakes like that in the final stretch of the race. He and dogs need to be on their A game.

We are pulling for you Lance.

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