Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Un" Fairness Doctrine

The liberals are now in power and they have 14 years of catching up to do. They have decided there are too many conservative talk shows on the radio. It is unfair and the liberal talk show host do not have an opportunity to get air time. I know why and if they would listen to me we could end the debate today, PEOPLE DO NOT LISTEN TO LIBERAL TALK SHOWS BECAUSE THEY SUCK! There are plenty of airwaves out there to broadcast your hate. Liberal talk shows fail because they do not have listeners not because they do not have a platform. Putting liberals on with people like Rush will just cause Rush to retire and the now liberal show will fail.

Below is a story from

A political battle is brewing over control of the radio airwaves as Democrats consider pushing for the revival of the Fairness Doctrine, an FCC policy that requires broadcast stations to provide opposing views on controversial issues of public importance.

Democratic lawmakers who support the doctrine say it will help increase the number of liberal shows in a landscape dominated by conservative talk radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh.

"I absolutely think it's time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves," Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., told liberal radio host Bill Press last week. She said she expects hearings soon on reviving the policy, which was introduced in 1949 and abolished in 1987.

Stabenow's husband, Tom Athans, is and has been an executive at several liberal radio talk groups.

But Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe said radio programming should be based on what brings in listeners and advertisers.

"I can't think of anything worse than to have government in a position to dictate the content of information going over public radio," said Inhofe, a Republican. "The whole idea is that it has to be market driven. We have a lot of progressive or liberal radio shows but nobody listens to them and every time one tries to get on, they are not successful."

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