Friday, February 13, 2009

Sen. Judd Gregg

Last evening I wrote an email to Sen. Judd Gregg thanking him for withdrawing his name from the Commerce Sec position. Sen Judd Gregg said he could not get on board with Obama's policies and serving in the cabinet went against everything he believed in.

A day after dropping out of cabinet contention, Sen. Judd Gregg says he will vote against the $787 billion stimulus package.

Gregg said Friday the package contains a great deal of money that isn't well spent. He said he can support a robust stimulus package that focuses more on shoring up the real estate market and keeping people in their homes. He said it also should have focused more aggressively on small business tax breaks.

Gregg said the amount of money isn't the issue. Rather, he said it is the underlying policy.

Senator Gregg, thank you sir. You are a true patriot with the best interest of this country in mind. You deserve an award.

Now can you work on the liberal senators in the Republican party? Start with Spector.

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