Friday, February 13, 2009

Senate to vote on stimulus

In about an hour from now the senate is to vote on the stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi crammed the bill through the house so she could get on to her tax pay funded trip to Europe to meet the Pope. She is going to receive an award. Thats right an award from the head of the Catholic church that does not support abortion. What kind of award could she possible be receiving? Last time I checked she wants no restrictions on tax payer funded abortions. That is another post at some other time. We have stimulus to worry about today.

Our only hope is that a conservative was able to talk some sense 2 of the 3, Specter, Snowe, or Collins. If that does not happen by 700pm we will have the largest spending bill in US history laying at our feet.


1 comment:

Harry Thomas said...

Well it happened today. I suggest everybody get your 401K money out anyway you can. It's either you get it or they will. Hang on tight people the employee free act is next. If you think unemployment is up now just wait til this boondoggle goes through. I'm just wondering if they are going to censor our internet like China does after they get the so called fairness doctrine passed. This is a VERY dark day in America.
Harry T.
Laurel, DE

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