Friday, February 27, 2009

The Republicans Next Leader

In a time when we have elected the most liberal President in history and are spending more money on social programs than any other president the Republicans are looking for their next Reaganesque leader.

Lets start with Newt Gingrich, he had his opportunity and failed us miserably. He forced welfare reform during the Clinton years then sat back on his tush and enjoyed his power. Gingrich is a clown and I don't want him as our presidential candidate. We would end up with the Obama administration in 2012. Gingrich cheated on his wife before he left her and let the juicy details out in the public. The Republican party stands for family values, I don't want my kids acting like oh Slick Willy Gingrich.

There there is Gov. Sarah Palin. I think she is great but she is a country bumpkin. She is just a normal person you would run into on the soccer field. She is not a national political figure. She speaks her mind, tells the truth, and is not interested in backroom underhanded deals. She will never be elected president, PERIOD.

Then there is Gov. Bobby Jindal. I do not know a lot about Gov. Jindal but a good friend of mine lives in Louisiana and he speaks very highly of the governor. I think he may be one of our best shots and winning in 2012. I know the speech Gov. Jindal gave a couple of nights ago was not a huge hit but is anyone going to be able to compare to the Anointed One? I think not, we do not need a great speaker, we need a great doer!

And last but not least there is Michael Steel. I personally love Lt. Gov. Steel. The problem I see with Steel is the racist left is going to say the Republicans are putting up a "Token" because the Democrats put up a black first, Obama. For some reason it is impossible to be a black Republican. They are instantly attacked on many fronts and often called awful names. When Michael Steel was running for senate some clowns threw Oreo cookies at him. The nerve of some people. If you recall it was people like Robert Byrd, Democrat, WV and Al Gores father that opposed the civil rights act. A little known fact is Martin Luther King was a REPUBLICAN! That right my friends Dr. King supported the party that stood by him.

The Republican Party has lost its way and desperately needs a leader. I just hope we are smart enough and dedicated enough to choose a leader that is a true conservative. No more McCain's! We can not afford 2 terms of Obama.

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