Friday, February 20, 2009

Letter from Senator Kaufman

Sen. Kaufman just confirmed he is a clown. He and Carper should consider touring with a circus. I told Senator Kaufman to not send me one of his form letters telling me how much smarter he is than I. News flash Carper and Kaufman, I am smarter than you. I support my family, I have no debt, and I have money in the bank. Maybe you should consider taking lessons from me and the millions of others that can operate in the black. The federal government has been operating in the red for years. In fact I just read a story on Fox that stated the Federal Government has run up a 2.5 trillion dollar debt in the past 2 years. Now Obama, Carper, Kaufman, and the other idiots in Washington just added another trillion to it.

Below is the letter from Kaufman informing me I am not intelligent enough to understand the complexities of the stimulus bill.

February 20, 2009

Dear Mr. James:

Thank you for e-mailing me regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. I was glad to have your input on this critical issue. As you know, we face the most significant economic challenges since the Great Depression. We have the advantage of history. History shows us that in times of crisis, government must act decisively and quickly. The American people need help, and we could not wait any longer.

The economic crisis is enormously complicated, and no economist can truthfully claim to know the full measure of our challenges. But, in a sense, it is simple. After a month where we lost 600,000 jobs - 20,000 per day - this economic recovery package delivers what we need: at least 3.5 million jobs. There is no higher priority than getting our citizens back to work, and this bill will create or save an estimated 11,000 jobs in Delaware as it begins to put the economy back on track.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed the Congress with my support and was signed into law by the President February 17th. It contains money for infrastructure, alternative energy, education, and health care, and includes tax cuts for most families and businesses. It has the broad support of America's mayors, governors, the Chamber of Commerce, and organized labor. There is not one earmark. And importantly, it includes an historic level of transparency and oversight.

This bill was needed to jolt the economy back to life, to convince businesses to invest and hire and encourage consumers to spend and be confident. We had to act to reverse the slide of our economy into a deeper recession.


Edward E. Kaufman
United States Senator

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