Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Liberal Leadership in Delaware

After years of being run by tax and spend liberals the states carefree spending habits are finally catching up to them. The union workers in New Castle Country that supported the liberal leaders and policies are now being asked to take unpaid furloughs for 24 work days next year and could see merit pay increases frozen under a plan laid out by County Executive Chris Coons.

Coons met with union leaders on Monday and informed them layoffs would be coming if the plan is not accepted.

Union leaders are expected to meet with their members this week and provide a response to Coons by 2-17-2009. The county budget must be complete by the end of the month.

“It is necessary that all unions ratify these proposals,” Coons wrote. “In the absence of these proposals, I will be preparing a budget submission that eliminates currently filled positions.”

It looks like the wonderful liberal leadership and unions have failed the workers again. Most liberal run states are looking for a bailout. When did it become my responsibility to bailout the mismanagement of other states? When will people realize tax cuts work every time. Tax and spend will eventually fail. The state of Delaware was flying high during the housing boom, Ruth Ann was spending like a drunken sailor, but now that things are slow they must force county workers to take furlough days.

The sad part is the people are not smart enough to vote these tax and spend liberals out of office.

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