Wednesday, February 18, 2009

More on Rahm Enanuel's Tax "Issue"

It's not really an "issue" unless you are a Republican. The Democrats that Obama has appointed simply "overlooked" their tax issues. I have been doing more research into Wrong Emanuel's living conditions and it appears he has been renting a room and camping out on a futon in the basement of Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-Conn..

That is very important because it turns out the residence in question isn't zoned for rentals.

That sent Emanuel's colleague and alleged landlord out to deny the charges. Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-Conn.) told her hometown paper, "Hey, it's cool. He doesn't rent from me. He lives there for free!"

"I wanted to make clear: we have no separate apartment in our DC house, no rental apartment; all our bedrooms and living areas are part of the house and accessible. They are often used by close family and friends. In mid-November, I got a call from the DC zoning office indicating that somebody had lodged a complaint and asked to inspect the property, which we welcomed. My husband was there for the inspection, which was uneventful and we did not hear again from the zoning office."

"Hey its cool"? Really, is this chick in the ghetto or a Congresswoman? I expect to hear "it's cool" from my 10 year old son. It speaks of the quality of people we continue to elect. How can you expect them to pay their taxes when they speak like that in public?

Hospitality between colleagues is not prohibited by House ethics rules, but a gift of this size would have required a written waiver from the Standards Committee, which neither party has yet produced.

But, let's not stop there with the questionable ethics. DeLauro is married to one Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster who made a ton of money from work sent to him by his "renter", I mean friend. Living for free in the home of a Democratic pollster whom you employed as both a Congressman and as chair of the DCCC might run up against the ethics rules of the "most open and transparent" administration in history. That revolving door Obama keeps talking about is actually the private entrance to Emanuel's digs.

Let's say the Obama administration overlooks the ethics lapses— after all, they've set the bar so high, that each failure to reach it is simply a reminder of their superiority, according to spokesman Robert Gibbs. What of the pesky tax issue?

To most people, this is “imputed income” — non-financial gifts or compensation that should be reported to the IRS. Emanuel and DeLauro defend their conduct by saying that House ethics rules permit “hospitality between colleagues.”

Once again folks if these type of "friendships" were coming out of the Bush administration the Democrats' would be up in arms. They would demand people be held accountable. Let's say Tom Delay allowed Karl Rove to stay rent free in his DC home. The Dems would have demanded Delay step down and they would have wanted Roves head on a silver platter. The media would have talked about it until the second coming of Christ.

When I started writing this blog I vowed to point out the hypocrisy that plagues our system. I don't know that my little voice will ever cause a change but I will continue to do my part. Have you done your part today?


Tony said...

can i get my 40 acres, please?

Sean said...

Your 40 acres will come from Eric Holder. That story is to come but I have been lost for words and unable to find the right words to discuss it.

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