Monday, February 23, 2009

DOW Dives Again

Oh hell who am I kidding the DOW is on a fast track to 6000. When Obama took office we heard the earth would stop warming, the war was going to be over, and the economy would automatically rebound. Well it is colder in Delawre than Bismark North Dakota. I think someone forgot to send the memo to the stock market letting them know our savior is here.

Recession and financial fears sent the Dow and S&P 500 on Monday to their worst closing levels since 1997 as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression has now erased more than a decade's worth of gains on Wall Street.

I still have confidence in our system but Obama needs to stop giving away money we do not have to people that do not deserve it. The system works if liberal democrats will stop trying to interfere with capitalism. It works if you stop regulating it.

We will see where this slide stops. Hopefully the end of the week will show some improvements. More to come...................

1 comment:

Tony said...

punitive tax might be the answer

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