Wednesday, April 8, 2009

US Flagged Ship Hijacked

A US flagged ship has not been hijacked in over 200 years. So it must be coincidence that during Dear Leaders bash America and apologize for our arrogance tour a cargo ship delivering aide gets hijacked by pirates.

I am not a conspiracy theorist but when you go from having a strong leader in the White House that retaliates when you mess with us to a weak empty suite its no surprise that someone would test us. This is only the beginning my fellow Americans. Today its a hijacking, tomorrow it could be a nuke. It sounds far fetched but on Sept 10th 2001 if you would have said crazy Muslims would fly planes into our buildings people would have had you committed to a crazy house.

On the bash America tour Dear Leader not only appeared weak his actions said he was weak. No President in history has appeared as weak as this guy. Obama bowed to King Abdulllah! That is unprecedented. It is utterly inappropriate for our head of state to make a gesture of submission to any kind of foreign ruler. Especially an absolute monarch. The people in Saudi Arabia do not have constitutional rights, they are merely subjects and are required to bow to their king. Obama is not a Saudi native and Abdullah is not his king but when he bows before him he admits submission.

I am afraid Obamas inexperience and willingness to throw us under the bus is going to be very costly to our freedom and status in the world.

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