Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

Today is the day, the day when hundreds of thousands of people will organize peacefully to tell our government we have had enough of the ever rising taxes they continue to levee on us.

I am attending the Washington DC tea party. As I type this post I am sitting in the studio live with Mike Church and the famous Mike Church Band. We can be heard on Sirius Patriot 144, live from 9am to 12 noon. After the show we will be heading over to the Treasury Building then off to Lafayette Park. Mike Church is going to be giving a speech at the Treasury Building around 1pm.

Even if you can not get to Washington DC make every attempt to get to your local tea party. Tell this bloated government, not the Bush government or the Obama government, OUR GOVERNMENT you are tired of their tax and spend ways. They are not drunken sailors even though they have been acting as such for many years.

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