Thursday, April 9, 2009

More Troubles For Dodd

These unfortunate events could not happen to a more deserving jerk. It is my hope that Dodd looses his seat by double digits. There is a very high likely hood that the 6 term senator will loose his seat in 2010. I cant imagine when our founders were writing the constitution they ever imagined a person like Dodd, Kerry, Ted "drunker than a skunk" Kennedy, or Robert Byrd making a career out of sucking off the US tax payer. The original congressmen and senators had a real job, they served the country for a short period of time each year then went back to their homes and took care of their farms.

Sen. Chris Dodd could be caught in the crossfire over the Pentagon's budget proposal, which puts thousands of jobs in his state at risk at a time when his long-held Senate seat is also vulnerable.

The Connecticut Democrat, along with other members of his state's congressional delegation, was meeting Thursday with the Hartford chapter of the machinists' union that would take a big hit under Defense Secretary Robert Gates' call to halt production of the F-22 jet.

"We're very concerned the job base for aerospace would take a blow on this," said Frank Larkin, spokesman for the International Association of Machinists.

He said ending F-22 production would threaten up to 3,000 jobs in Connecticut, and 25,000 nationwide, with many of those job losses affecting his union members. Though the jets are mainly produced in Texas and Georgia, the engines are produced at Pratt & Whitney in Middletown, Conn.

This puts Dodd, a powerful Democrat on Capitol Hill, in a tight spot. Though he is a President Obama ally in a position to be a key cheerleader for his budget proposals, Dodd's poll numbers are at historic lows with an election coming up next year.

This week, Dodd sided with the workers and opposed the F-22 proposal.

Dodd co-signed a letter to Obama with other members of the state delegation Tuesday objecting to Gates' proposal and calling for Congress to "fully fund" the F-22s.

Story continues HERE.

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