Friday, April 3, 2009

Iowa Has Slipped Down The Slippery Slope

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled that marriage is no long between one man and one woman. Iowas is not the 4 state in the union that allows gay marriage. Starting in 3 weeks, April 24th, gays will be allowed to marry.

The ruling is viewed as a victory for the gay rights movement in Iowa and elsewhere, and a setback for social conservatives who wanted to protect traditional families.

What are we teaching our children? Homosexuality is not "natural". If it were natural we would not be in existence. Two men do not have the ability to produce a child so if everyone was "born gay" the human population would cease to exist. This is a lifestyle choice that has only become acceptable in recent years. All of you evolutionist out there that say Christians are crazy and that God did not put humans on the earth but believe we come from apes, can you please point to a gay ape family? THEY DO NOT EXIST!

The story can be found HERE

1 comment:

Hamster said...

The tide is turning
More and more Americans are realizing that we can't allow the right wing Talaban Christians to dictate how we should live.
I don't know if anyone ...even Christians...who looks to the Bible for guidance on what to eat or what to wear or for medical advice
Just because they travelled from place to place on donkeys or had slaves or stoned people for adultery doesn't mean we have to follow suit.
I'm sure there was a tiime when the Talaban Christian way of life seemed entirely appropriate.
But that was 2000 years ago.

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