Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Senate Dems Deny Obama Gitmo Closing Funds

Senate Democrats pulled $80 million from the Obama war spending bill. The $80 million was going to be spent to close Guantanamo Bay. The administration has no plan for closing the prison where many of the nastiest of the nasty terrorist are housed. Obama has considered allowing the prisoners to be put in US prisons with US rights. Thankfully there are Democrats that do not want the terrorist in their districts so they have refused to provide Obama with the monies he needs to close the prison.

Senate Democrats have decided to pull $80 million from the $91 billion war spending request -- money President Obama had requested to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by Jan. 22, 2010.

A senior Democratic Senate aide told FOX News the caucus will pull the money and await a plan for closing Guantanamo before putting forward any funding. The caucus pulled back after it was hit hard in recent weeks by criticism from Republicans about the lack of a plan for closing the prison.

Originally, the Senate bill -- which is different from the House version -- fenced off $50 million from the Pentagon, pending a plan, while giving $30 million to the Department of Justice for its part of the closure, as well as for an investigation into Bush-era interrogation policy.

The House withholds all funding in its supplemental bill.

The issue will be the central fight on the war spending bill, as rarely-unified Republicans attempt to capitalize further on what they see as a popular issue with the American people, keeping the remaining detainees from placing a foot on American soil.

Congressional Democrats, lacking clarity from the Obama Administration, were at odds over how to move forward.

Last week the House passed legislation requiring the details of such a plan by Oct. 1. Both chambers are refusing to allow detainees to be relocated to the United States this year.

Republicans, led by GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, who has given 14 Senate floor speeches already this year on the topic, have hammered the decision to set a date certain for closure, Jan. 22, 2010, by executive order, and this week will introduce an amendment that will ban any future federal funds from being used to move Gitmo prisoners onto U.S. soil.

This will be an exceedingly difficult vote for Democrats, illustrated by the about-face this weekend by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va.

Webb, a former Navy secretary, told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday that while he praised the president's timeline in January, he had studied the issue with his staff and changed his mind. The senator also lauded the detention center's unique set up, its isolated location thwarting listening devices and its secure courtrooms for sensitive military commissions.

"We shouldn't be creating artificial timelines," Webb said.

Gitmo should be closed eventually, he added, but only after all of its inmates are processed, a problem because some prisoners of war are expected to be held indefinitely. Webb also stipulated that no prisoners should be brought to the United States.

This issue is not new to the Senate or to some members of Obama's administration.

As senators in July 2007, now-Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voted to block detainees from being placed on U.S. soil.

The amendment to a college funding bill, sponsored by McConnell, stated, "It is safer for American citizens if captured members of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are not housed on American soil where they could more easily carry out their mission to kill innocent civilians."

The nonbinding amendment went on to say that "detainees housed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, including senior members of Al Qaeda, should not be released into American society, nor should they be transferred stateside into facilities in American communities and neighborhoods."

Then-Sen. Obama was not present for the vote.

On Monday, McConnell asked "What's changed?"

"America is still at war against terror networks around the world. The detainees held at Guantanamo are still some of the most dangerous terrorists alive -- indeed, over the past two years, the inmates there have been winnowed down to an even higher percentage of committed killers than before. And Americans still don't want these men in their neighborhoods."

Indeed, in a new FOX News/Opinion Dynamics poll, just over half of Americans, 55 percent, oppose transferring detainees to prison facilities in the United States. But they are divided on whether bringing the detainees to the United States will put the country at risk. While some 43 percent think transferring the detainees to U.S. prison facilities would make the country less safe, about the same number -- 45 percent -- think it would not make much of a difference. Few -- 8 percent -- think it would make the United States safer.

Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., was one of few in his party to challenge the GOP argument publicly. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has taken a wait-and-see approach. Reid has said he is waiting for the outcome of a commission study due out in July.

Echoing the words of former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in a case in which the Bush administration's detention policies were rebuffed, Durbin said, "A state of war is not a blank check for the president."

Durbin noted that no Republican objected when the previous administration announced it was closing Gitmo, and said, "Guantanamo became an international embarrassment for the United States and, sadly, tragically, a recruiting tool for terrorists like Al Qaeda."

Some Republicans agree.

"Guantanamo is a serious blot on our reputation," former Secretary of State James Baker, a widely respected diplomat and member of the George H.W. Bush administration, has said..

This perception argument has split some in the Republican Party. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., who just returned from Gitmo, praised the facility but acknowledged the "perception problem" overseas, and said the facility should be closed though not by a date certain.

Still, others, like McConnell and Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., who has traveled to the island facility three times, have said there's no better place than Guantanamo for the prisoners and it should remain in service.

"I can't imagine what would happen if they close this place," Inhofe said in a video posted on YouTube during his February visit to the prison. "If they close this place, then you're going to have to find other places. They've identified 17 other places, including my home state of Oklahoma. That would be a terrible risk to us and to all of Oklahoma, and the same would be true of any and all other states."

Click here to watch the Inhofe video.

Webb, on Sunday, appeared to hold out hope that Obama would relax his stand, as he has done on a number of other issues

"They've said a lot of things and taken a look and said some other things. So let's process these people in a very careful way and then take care of it," he said.

Story continues HERE.

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