Thursday, May 21, 2009

Air Quality Improved During Bush Administration

All we hear is how the evil Republicans do not care about the environment and how big evil capitalist only care about their profits and could care less about the environment. What do you know, a report from the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research as release a report that says levels of numerous gases linked to air pollution have fallen off since 2001.

Among the findings: Carbon monoxide decreased by 39 percent, ozone by 6 percent, and sulfur dioxide by 32 percent.

"Pick any category you want and pollution levels are generally lower than they were seven years ago," said Steven Hayward, the policy analyst who authored the report, titled "Index of Leading Environmental Indicators," for the conservative think tank.

"(Environmental groups) said air pollution was out of control, but this was always more about politics than it was fact," Hayward said.

Environmental groups agree that tremendous progress has been made since the 1980s, when cities like Houston and Los Angeles were thick with smog and acid rain devastated lakes and forests across the U.S.

The complete story can be found HERE on

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