Monday, May 11, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius Confirmation

I received a 2009 Republican Party Precinct Survey over the weekend. They of course wanted money and my "opinion" are a bunch of issues they feel are important to the 2010 election. After reading the questions I decided to take a look and see what if any Republicans voted to confirm Kathleen Sebelius to head up Health and Human Services.

A little background on Kathleen Sebelius is in order.
It was brought to our attention that Sebelius received substantial donations from Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few late-term abortion providers. But when asked how much she received she say $12,450 between 1994-2001. But in addition to those campaign donations, records reviewed by The Associated Press show that Tiller gave at least $23,000 more from 2000-2002 to a political action committee Sebelius established while insurance commissioner to raise money for fellow Democrats.

Now one would think any senator that has stood on the floor preaching about how he is a devout Catholic and opposes all forms of abortion would appose this woman right? WRONG! Senator Brownback voted to confirm Sebelius. I dont know how Brownback could in good conscience vote to confirm this woman to head anything.

Below is a list of Republican senators that voted to confirm Kathleen Sebelius.
Kansas: Brownback and Roberts
Maine: Collins and Snowe
Missouri: Bond
New Hampshire: Gregg
Ohio: Voinovich

Most of these "Yea" votes did not surprise me. The majority of the people on the list are RINO's but I was really disappointed to see Brownbacks name on that list. Just goes to show it is all about his career. l

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